National Institute for Security Studies: Safeguarding Society for a Safer Tomorrow
The National Institute for Security Studies is a non-profit organization dedicated to researching, analyzing, and educating individuals on security issues affecting society. Our mission is to contribute to a safer tomorrow by equipping individuals and organizations with the knowledge and skills to address current and future security challenges.
Research fellows of the Institute are drawn from the National Security Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mongolian Armed Forces, Institute for Strategic Studies, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, and National University of Mongolia.
History and Background
The National Institute for Security Studies was established in 2018 by the collective effort of leading security professionals and since we are committed to the goal of developing a network for security research and analysis.
Even though the NISS is a comparably young think tank entity, it has grown to become one of the valuable assets on security matters in Mongolia. Our quality research and analytical works have been cited in numerous academic studies and policy papers, and we collaborating with leading government and private entities, academia, and think tanks nationwide.
Areas of Expertise
The Institute specializes in a wide range of security topics including international, regional, and sub-regional political and socio-economic trend study, traditional and non-traditional, newly emerging security challenges and threats, and intelligence analysis.

NISS supports and participates in the decision-making process of the government entities within the area of interest.
Research and Analysis
The NISS team conducts original research on security topics, produces high-quality analyses, and develops innovative and practical solutions to security challenges.

NISS releases weekly newsletters and monthly bulletins delivered to government organizations and partner research institutes.
Our team comprises seasoned experts and professionals with diverse backgrounds and skills. The rich pool of part-time researchers partnering with NISS gives us an opportunity to deliver not only sustainable high-quality research papers and comprehensive security solutions that integrate scientific principles with practical applications but also coordinate a number of projects at the same time.
Training and Education
With the aim to increase public awareness and knowledge, NISS is collaborating with the governmental and nongovernmental entities, academia, and the schools of international affairs of well-known universities in Mongolia, to provide a range of training and educational programs seeking to enhance their security knowledge and skills.
Workshops at an executive level
These workshops are tailored to government officials and other decision-makers who want to stay ahead of emerging security challenges and develop a strategic vision for the future. Workshops at an executive level
Workshops at a professional level
We offer professional development programs for security practitioners looking to enhance their skills and stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in their field.
Workshops at an academic level
We offer a range of practical workshops for the students and professors of the educational facilities seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in specific areas of security analysis, risk management, and mitigation.
Collaborations and Partnerships
Our partners are leading government entities, academia, and other national and international non-profit organizations, and think tanks together we develop innovative security solutions and advance knowledge about security issues.
Some of our notable national partners and donors include the National Security Council, the Institute for Strategic Studies, the General Intelligence Agency of Mongolia, the National Academy of Science, the National University of Mongolia, and others. Together, we work on research projects, publications, and other initiatives of mutual interest.
Our notable international partners and donors are the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, The Asia Foundation, the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies, the Hans Seidel Foundation, the Chinese Institute of Contemporary International Relation, the National Strategic Academy of Tsinghua University, the Institute for National Security Strategy of Korea, Institute de Recherche Stratégique de l’Ecole Militaire, France and Stiftung fuer Wissenschaft und Politik, Germany.